Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Project
at UC San Francisco
Trainee Liaison: Chelsea Garnett, MD
Contact Information:
Program Coordinator:
Ishita Samtani
Program Profile:
The goal of University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program is to develop Maternal Child Health (MCH) leaders in adolescent & young adult health in the 5 core MCH disciplines (Medicine, Nursing, Social Work, Nutrition and Psychology) through an interdisciplinary training projects and education.
UCSF LEAH strives to provide adolescent and young adult- and family-centered, culturally and linguistically competent, accessible, coordinated and comprehensive healthcare using innovative interdisciplinary models of care consistent with the goals of Healthy People 2020, Bright Futures and the ACA.
We shall train at least 10 long term trainees, 50 medium term and 200 short-term trainees each year through a core curriculum driven by an Individualized Development Plan, the Life Course Model. Our trainees are in the 5 core MCH disciplines (Medicine, Nursing, Social Work, Nutrition, and Psychology).
Faculty and fellows are actively engaged in clinical and policy research and development on issues such as adolescent preventive health care, delinquency, complementary medicine, child and family adjustment, nutrition and physical activity, and sexual health.